
Najpoželjniji hrvatski veliki poslodavci

Svake godine u slično doba godine, obično početkom kalendarske godine mediji izvještavaju o naj poslodavcu protekle poslovne godine. Pobjednici dolaze u kategorijama ovisno o broju zaposlenih tijekom te iste godine. Ankete koje ispunjavaju djelatnici su (trebale bi) biti anonimne i (trebale bi) za sve kompanije pitanja biti identična kako bi se osigurao jednak kriterij za sve firme sudionice bez obzira na veličinu te firme. Jedan drogerijski lanac već skoro dekadu i pol dominira u ovom izboru, a odmah za njim i jedan malotrgovački strani lanac. Naglasila bih da se ovi podaci odnose na provedenu anketu velikih kompanija. E sad, ljudi kažu da su im na poslu najbitnija tri elementa: dobri međuljudski odnosi, zatim dobar tretman od nadređenih kao i sigurnost tog istog radnog mjesta. Manje bitni faktori su društvena odgovornost kompanije, nematerijalni benefiti i prilika za hijerarhijskim napredovanjem. Da skratimo, naši zaposlenici najviše vrednuju harmonične odnose i sigurnost radnog mjesta. Slažem se, zaista su to bitni elementi, no to je isto tako i recept za zaspati u zoni komfora. To je ono što si mi poduzetnici ne dopuštamo – spavanje i hrkanje. Mi razmišljamo kako nešto unaprijedit i dok spavamo. Od dodatnih beneficija zaposlenici 64 posto njih preferira bonuse za izvanredna postignuća, a 51 posto njih fleksibilno radno vrijeme i naknadu za putne troškove. E sada kao stručnjakinja u računovodstvu moram reagirati. Svi volimo bonuse, nažalost naša država ih voli još više nego mi i oni su 100% oporezivi. Što se tiče fleksibilno radnog vremena, da ono je moguće, ali vuče jako puno dodatnih evidencija o radnom vremenu, dok naknade za putne troškove bi svatko trebao isplaćivati upravo po stvarno nastalim događajima i pripadajućim zakonskim obračunima. Ipak, iznenađena sam jer je ovu sliku „blagostanja“ ipak jedan podatak izbacio iz balansa. Naime ovu anketu ispunilo je oko 25.000 ljudi zaposlenih u kompanijama koje su platile provođenje ove ankete u njihovim kolektivima, a od svih ispitanika više od pola njih često razmišlja o promjeni posla te oko 48 posto ispitanika aktivno traži posao. Smrdi li nešto u velikim kompanijama koje posluju u državi Hrvatskoj?     The most desirable Croatian large employers   Every year at a similar time of the year, usually at the beginning of the calendar year, the media reports on the best employer of the past business year. The winners come in categories depending on the number of employees during that same year. Surveys completed by employees are (should) be anonymous and the questions (should) be identical for all companies in order to ensure equal criteria for all participating companies, regardless of the size of the company. One drug store chain has been dominating this selection for almost a decade and a half, followed by a foreign retail chain. I would like to emphasize that these data refer to the conducted survey of large companies. Now, people say that three elements are most important to them at work: good interpersonal relations, then good treatment from superiors, as well as the security of that same workplace. Less important factors are the company’s social responsibility, intangible benefits and the opportunity for hierarchical advancement. In short, our employees value harmonious relationships and workplace safety the most. I agree, these are really important elements, but it is also a recipe for falling asleep in the comfort zone. This is what we entrepreneurs do not allow ourselves – sleeping and snoring. We think about how to improve something even while we sleep. Of the additional employee benefits, 64 percent of them prefer bonuses for outstanding achievements, and 51 percent of them prefer flexible working hours and compensation for travel expenses. Now, as an expert in accounting, I have to react. We all love bonuses, unfortunately our country loves them even more than we do and they are 100% taxable. As for flexible working hours, yes it is possible, but it entails a lot of additional records about working hours, while compensation for travel expenses should be paid by everyone according to actual events and related legal calculations. However, I am surprised because this image of “well-being” was thrown out of balance by one data. Namely, this survey was completed by about 25,000 people employed in companies that paid for this survey to be carried out in their collectives, and of all respondents, more than half of them often think about changing jobs, and about 48 percent of respondents are actively looking for a job. Does something stink in the big companies operating in the state of Croatia?

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